City Council

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18 Ord 11-98 Amending Chapter 88 of the Legislative Code pertaining to water meters, to define new metering system technology and installation requirements, and to permit customers to select alternative metering systems, and imposing additional charges for manual reads of alternative metering systems.ROLL CALL

11 RES 11-2079 Honoring the Mayor's Council on Disabilities for their work on revising ADA requirements for sidewalk cafes in Saint Paul.

12 PH 11-27 Public hearing to consider the report of the Administrative Law Judge concerning all licenses held by V & HM Plus, LLC, d/b/a El Pantano Plus at 586 Rice Street. (Public hearing held October 5)

13 Ord 11-106 Memorializing City Council action granting the application of Rolando Aguilar, et. al. for the rezoning from RT1 Two-Family Residential to T2 Traditional Neighborhood of portions of 908 Arcade Street and 833 York Avenue and amending Chapter 6

14 Ord 11-102 Amending Chapter 86 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code to correct the title of the Department of Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity, clarify signature authority, and impose a fee for affirmative action plan certificates of complia

15 Ord 11-107 Amending Chapter 362 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, to update outdated language and to add requirements for displaying business names and license numbers, adhering to industry standards for tree work, and registering with the State Depar

16 Ord 11-108 Amending Chapter 409.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code regarding liquor licenses for private colleges to clarify the amendment of July 13, 2011.

The Council will recess and convene as the Library Board.(RES PH 11-1119 Amending the Library spending and financing plans to address a reduction in local aid from the State of Minnesota.)The Library Board will adjourn and the Council will reconvene.

17 RES PH 11-1118 Amending spending and financing plans to address a reduction in local aid from the State of Minnesota.

17 RES PH 11-1118 Amending spending and financing plans to address a reduction in local aid from the State of Minnesota.

18 Ord 11-98 Amending Chapter 88 of the Legislative Code pertaining to water meters, to define new metering system technology and installation requirements, and to permit customers to select alternative metering systems, and imposing additional charges for

19 Ord 11-99 Amending Chapter 91 of the Legislative Code pertaining to water meter removal, to update language to conform to new metering system technology.

20 Ord 11-100 Amending Chapter 94 of the Legislative Code pertaining to water meter removal, to update language to conform to new metering system technology.

21 Ord 11-101 Amending Legislative Code Chapters 63 and 65 pertaining to solar energy systems.

21 Ord 11-101 Amending Legislative Code Chapters 63 and 65 pertaining to solar energy systems.

22 RES PH 11-1083 Approving the petition of Wayne Wermager to vacate a portion of a platted, unimproved alley abutting 1065 Juliet Avenue.

23 RES PH 11-1096 Approving residential permit parking fees.

24 RES PH 11-1094 Approving the Area 2 Residential Permit Parking Code changes.

25 RES PH 11-1093 Approving the Area 3 Residential Permit Parking Code changes.

26 RES PH 11-1095 Approving the Area 13 Residential Permit Parking Code changes.

27 RES PH 11-1034 Ratifying assessments for Repair of Sanitary Sewer Connection on private properties during May to July 2011. (File No. SWRP1106, Asmt No. 118083)

28 RES PH 11-1035 Ratifying assessments for Replacement of Lead Water Service Line on private properties during May to July 2011. (File No. 1104LDSRP, Asmt No. 114939) (To be laid over to October 19 for public hearing)

29 RES PH 11-1069 Ratifying the assessment of benefits, costs, and expenses for the 2011 Facade Improvement at the Great Northern Building, located at 300 Wall Street. (File No. 19127, Assessment No. 117001)

30 RES PH 11-1110 Amending the spending and financing plans for the Ruth Street Bike Lanes project and setting up a new project for work related to the emergency reconstruction of the failing retaining wall at 220 Marshall Avenue.

31 RES PH 11-1112 Amending the spending and financing plan for the 2010 Signalized Intersection Safety Improvement Program to reflect additional Trunk Highway Funding for the Robert - Cesar Chavez Traffic Signal Project.

32 RES PH 11-1114 Amending the spending and financing plans for the 2011 Signalized Intersection Safety Improvement Program to reflect additional Trunk Highway funding for the Arcade - Minnehaha Traffic Signal Reconstruction Project.

33 RES PH 11-1102 Amending the 2011 Budget for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant.

34 RES PH 11-1120 Amending the 2007 CIB budget and 2011 debt service operating budget in the amount of $126,741 to reflect required technical changes to close out the Western District Police Station project.

35 RES PH 11-1086 Authorizing a joint powers agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Agriculture, to provide $60,000 for Emerald Ash Borer related costs; and authorizing the Department of Parks and Recreation and the proper City officials to a

36 RES PH 11-1116 Amending the budget in the Department of Parks and Recreation by adding a $20,000 Financing and Spending Plan for a CRWD contribution towards pervious pavers for construction of the Crosby-Elway Parking Lot.

37 RES PH 11-1098 Authorizing the Department of Parks and Recreation to increase the 2011 Budget in its Arts and Gardening activity by $25,350 to reflect the increased revenue received as a result of the services provided in the agreement with Public Works

38 RES PH 11-1105 Authorizing the Department of Parks and Recreation to accept donated funds of $65,000 from AMVETS Post #5, and amending the current capital budget to construct the Plaza de Honor memorial on Harriet Island.

39 RES PH 11-1115 Authorizing the Fire Department to accept a donation of $400 from the Residential Mortgage Group (RMG) Inc. to continue to provide public safety and community education.

40 RES PH 11-1103 Authorizing the Police Department to enter into the agreement(s) with the FBI to participate in the Minnesota Cyber Crime Task Force and to amend the financing and spending plans in the Police Department in the amount of $5,000.

41 RES PH 11-1104 Accepting the 2011 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (2011 JAG) and amending the finance and spending plans in the Police Department in the amount of $50,000.

49 RLH TA 11-333 Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1116A1, Assessment No. 118144 at 1210 ALBEMARLE STREET. (Public hearing continued from October 5)

48 RLH TA 11-363 Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. VB1113A, Assessment No. 118136 at 1340 SEVENTH STREET WEST. (Public hearing continued from October 5)

85 RLH FCO 11-366 Appeal of Joseph J. Skelly to a Re-Inspection Fire Certificate of Occupancy With Deficiencies at 1231 KENNARD STREET.

60 RLH FCO 11-327 Appeal of Bee Vue to a Fire CWatch with Microsoft Silverlight. Get it now »
ertificate of Occupancy Correction Notice at 980 CONWAY STREET.

65 RLH TA 11-386 Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. VB1113, Assessment No. 118119 at 909 DESOTO STREET

66 RLH FOW 11-167 Appeal of Mark Syrstad to a Fire Certificate of Occupancy Inspection Correction Notice at 1121 EARL STREET.

81 RLH TA 11-304 Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. CRT1107A, Assessment No. 118134 at 1583 HAZELWOOD STREET.

87 RLH TA 11-374 Deleting the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1116A, Assessment No. 118121 at 323 LAWSON AVENUE EAST.

113 RLH FCO 11-418 Appeal of Bruce Ford to a Fire Certificate of Occupancy Inspection Correction Notice at 811 SHERBURNE AVENUE.

117 RLH TA 11-388 Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1115P, Assessment No. 118123 at 1491 UNIVERSITY AVENUE WEST

118 RLH TA 11-387 Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1116A, Assessment No. 118121 at 1491 UNIVERSITY AVENUE WEST.
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