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Soucheray: Fine. We all want to save the Earth. But not this St. Paul trash system

Joe you were around 1983 Mother died fighting illegal District Heating Rate Setting nonprofit up to today Where is the Citys Contract with Trash to now set the Rates forprofit Haulers. Doing the best http://citizenery-mncourts.... PS Sharon aint dead yet.
Cash Cow 4 Lawyers,Charter /Constitution amended by resolution without Citizen Input Vote No Watched all on CSpan Wheres Hunter https://greatamericandaily....
Further Affiant only Republic Donald Trump Supporter for St. Paul City Council Ward 2 http://depos-stpaul.blogspo...
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Supreme Court decision on St. Paul Trash lawsuit, in a nutshell

transposed for Educational Issues http://citizenery-mncourts....
New Questions How can the City now set the Rates for Trash Hauling
File #: Ord 19-67 Version: 1 Name:  
Type: Ordinance Status: Second Reading
In control: City Council
Final action:  
Title: Amending section 220.05 of the Legislative Code to set rates for base level garbage service to be effective January 1, 2020.
Sponsors: Amy Brendmoen
Date Name District Opinion Comment Action
10/17/2019 10:24 AM CandidateSharonAnderson Against For years Council has set Rates for NonProfit District Heating, now setting Rates for Trash a for Profit Business creates Contract Impairment, contrary to Private Citizens to do Business http://taxthemax.blogspot.com therefore creating a Monoply,AntiTrust
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Amy Klobuchar fights to stand out in fourth Democratic debate

Amy K pandering to Bernie Sanders trying to get Rich with George Soros DFL Lefys Money
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Here are three scenarios where Trump wins Minnesota

Sharon4Anderson • a few seconds ago
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by TwinCities.com.
Cash Cow 4 Lawyers,Charter /Constitution amended by resolution without Citizen Input Vote No Watched all on CSpan Wheres Hunter https://greatamericandaily....
Further Affiant only Republic Donald Trump Supporter for St. Paul City Council Ward 2 http://depos-stpaul.blogspo...
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Letters: Criminal histories, historic discrimination and second chances in St. Paul

Affiant White,Widow,Whistleblower Sharon Anderson aka maiden name Peterson, 1st husband Scarrella is the only Donald Trump Republican in St. Paul City Council race http://sharon4council.blogs... with Forensic Files for decades http://sharon4anderson.org
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Hundreds pack ‘Women for Trump’ rally at Union Depot with Karen Pence, Lara Trump

Thanks to awsome Women who support their Husbands and Father in LAW, Silent Majority also Love our President Donald Trump Thanks http://sharon4council.blogs... The only Republican for St. Paul City Council
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St. Paul seeks developer for ‘air rights’ above Kellogg Boulevard parking ramp

Seems like a Movie with Julia Roberts buying air Rights for her Sexy Show property ownership of Propertys Do we own the LAND OUR bUILDINGS SIT ON, WATER RIGHTS, Years ago Sharon stated we must go back to Outdoor Houses ie OUTHOUSES.
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There are 28 candidates for St. Paul City Council. Here are their criminal histories.

To many Deaths,or Murders via RealEstate Issues, do your reseach http://sharon4anderson.org
Death of Sharons Mother Bernice A. Peterson MAYORAL cANDIDATE thrown in Jail re Rose of Sharon Ministry at 2194 Marshall, Alice Krengel and Web MASTER Rev MaryJane Duchene fighting Property Rights 
Sharon Anderson
15 subscribers
Alice Krengel Won A07-310 MN Supreme Court
Alice Krengel
Current Candidate St.PaulCityCouncil
LEGAL NOTICE: http://sharon4council.blogs... /s/Sharon4Anderson@aol.com ECF_P165913Pacersa1299 telfx: 651-776-5835: HEALTHCARE 
Attorney ProSe_InFact,Private Attorney General QuiTam Whistleblower, Candidate AG2010 www.sharonagmn2010.blogsbd pot.com Blogger: www.facebook.com/sharon4and... www.twitter.com/sharon4ande... Act of 1862| ScriDocument's are based on SEC filings,| www.slideshare.com/sharonan...
whistbleblower protection issues, MY FindLaw SharonsWritProA06_1150_30Jun06_26
Sharons-Psychic-Whispers: Sharons Gypsy Curse-Court-Cop Corruption 3Apr0
You may be able to calm your anxiety — and actually do better — by simply talking to yourself in the third person, a new study suggests. Researchers found that people create distance between themselves and whatever is causing negative emotions, like fear or anxiety, when they self-talk in the third person.Jul 31, 2017
The only Candidate to Support President Donald Trump surrounded by DFL Coup Mob Rule http://sharon4council.blogs... You may be able to calm your anxiety — and actually do better — by simply talking to yourself in the third person, a new study suggests. Researchers found that people create distance between themselves and whatever is causing negative emotions, like fear or anxiety, when they self-talk in the third person.Jul 31, 2017
Hey Kid Takes one to know one However Exposing City St. Paul, Sanctuary,same Sex, has numerous HalfWay,Sober,Addiction Houses, Evicting PROPERTY OWNERS 4 Magner vs Gallagher USSC10-1032 Secret Dirty Deals re Disparaity in Housing https://www.nationalbcc.org... https://disqus.com/by/sharo...
In an effort to avoid paying property taxes, Sharon Anderson aka Scarrella always paid taxes — the Church of Justice Reform — Google sued Midwest Fed S&l BRINGING DOWN Harold Greenwood to Quiet Titles . Sharon Scarrella with Tenants in Comm owners were evicted from the property in 1988. Denied by Courts Just Compensation . SilverStar Marine spent one year at Brainard,. She was arrested repeatedly in the 1970s and ’80s on charges ranging from assaulting her husband and punching a police officer to contempt of court. NEVER CHARGED OR CONVICTED, PS 1058 Summit Haunted as Parish House4Prients moved from St. Lukes,Sharons Animals are Buried there More to Come
Freddie please correct your Slander statement Sharon Scarrella Anderson has always paid taxes, Church of Justice Reform take off from Divorce Reform, exposing Corrupt Courts, Taxes were paid at 1058 Summit Ave Homestead, Sharon exposing Auditor Lou McKenna Criminal activty taking Homestead Credits Away, Manulipating Property taxes paid, continuing to today. Print the Truth, Courts Heinous Violation of HUD and ADA as both Sharon and Jim were on Major Disabilitys. Just Compensation has never been paid as No Mortgage, FURTHER Ownership of 2194 Marshall,448 Desnoyer,325 N Wilder a 6 unit, covertly Taken tAXES PAID, no mortgages DENIED JUST COMPENSATION AND YOU WONDER WHY AFFIANT DOES NOT WANT TO WIN, BUT MUST EXPOSE MAJOR CORRUPTION TRIGGERING USSC 10-1032 titled Magner v Gallagher RICO ACTS Dismissed by Corrupt Obama Lawyer Tom Perez currently Nat DFL Chair http://sharon4council.blogs... Forensic Files http://sharon4anderson.orgDeath,Disability,Disparagment of Titles unabated by Fake News and Corruption in Government
Affiant has never been charged or Convicted of any Crime, Til the date of Death, Sharon must expose Major Corruptiion in the Courts,Council, latest QuiTam Relator requesting MNAG Keith Ellison to Charge MS 608.43 published at https://sharons-whistleblow... Further 2nd Husband Cpl Jim Anderson Korean Vet Silver Star spent one year at Brainard State Hospital,
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Soucheray: St. Paul residents are being misled about trash-collection vote

http://sharons-whistleblowe... For once Affiant agrees with Joe Where is the MNAG Keith Ellison on this Charter/Constitution/Contract ?
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Could St. Paul’s Nov. 5 ballot referendum on trash collection cancel a five-year contract mid-stream? With $…

Activite the Positive, Eliminate the Negative and Do not Mess with Charter in between Vote No to keep Charter/Constitution in Tack https://sharons-whistleblow...
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St. Paul lawmaker Lesch is not immune from being sued by City Attorney Olson, appellate court says

Lawyers fighting Lawyers Lesch Legislative,Olson City Attorney Executive both contrary to MN Const Art III Separation of Powers, Bothe Guilty We the non lawyers denied the Employment of Judges In re Scarrella 562NW562 Therefore Lawyers have no place in Legislative or Executive Wonder how Court ie Lillhaug will Rule https://www.nationalbcc.org... PS Chris Tolbert city council at the same time Hennepin Co. Asst. Attorney, DFL Mob Rule another Coup Bias vs Me and You
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State demographer says St. Paul is now a majority-minority city

Widow Hometown,Homegrown, Sharon does not drink,smoke, only addiction is Chocolate Chip Cookies, Prennial Candidate exposing DFL Coup,Mob Rule, hope to live long enough to be on Ballot 2020 with President Trump http://freedom-4you.blogspo... seniors4safety,sanity,
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St. Paul DFL votes to support organized trash collection

Mob DFL Rule VOTE NO to keep City Charter ie Constitution Validhttp://sharon4council.blogs... has Standing with 2 sml carts via Republic, had Aspen 4 over 20 years, IF IT AINT BROKE DON'T MESS WITH CHARTER. Further has Waste Managment now a Monoply?


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